The Idea - How does metabolic direct work?
The concept of individual dietary metabolic direct, which was developed by leading nutritional experts and through a change and regulation of metabolism has a positive impact on all aspects of well-being and regulates your weight optimally.
The basis of the program is the personal and individual nutrition plan that is created to your personal details, your body measurements and a detailed medical history of our experts for you. Here is where your personal likes and dislikes become part of the plan.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to promote your health and for the future to know which type of foods brings your metabolism back to a healthy metabolic balance.
What are the basics of metabolic direct?
Already Hippocrates coined the phrase:
"Your food is your medicine and your medicine should be your food!"
We assume that your body needs hormones and enzymes in sufficient quantities and proper mixing to optimally manage the complex metabolic processes . In a balanced body, it can produce these messengers themselves, but it may be that the body has come apart from this balance and now a “reset” is needed to start these metabolic processes again. For this it needs the right strategy and the right materials, which we give your body through the metabolic direct plan, making it available in the form of a healthy diet.
The program is based on a metabolic method
metabolic direct comes from practice and has already shown often how well it works. Our experts have found a way that makes the expensive analytical methods (laboratory test and blood test) unnecessary. A balanced diet with the metabolic-direct© plan gives you the security to permanently keep to your desired weight. We have shown that participants in the program can help fight the Yo Yo effect successfully, and additional personal services are going to help you achieve the concept of a good nutrition and incorporate this into your everyday life.
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